Writing Exercises.


Calamity's Corner November 2009 
Writing Exercise: Need an unblocker for a poem or story?

Lift the lid on the Pandora's Box of your own making, and write about what you have unleashed.   


Calamity's Corner October 2009 

Writing Exercise: Need an unblocker for a poem or story?

This exercise is based on the notion of random input as a tool for creativity. The idea is to trick your mind out of its rut by presenting it with an element of surprise, forcing it to form new connections and associations. Consider brainstorming this random sentence:

When the willow tree shivers zealots invent.

Calamity's Corner September 2009

Writing Exercise: Need an unblocker for a poem or story?

This exercise is based on the notion of random input as a tool for creativity. The idea is to trick your mind out of its rut by presenting it with an element of surprise, forcing it to form new connections and associations. Consider brainstorming this random sentence:

When the willow tree shivers zealots invent.


Calamity's Corner August 2009

Writing Exercise: Need an unblocker for a poem or story?

Read the opening pages of a new novel. Is it well written?  Does it hint at the story goal and conflict?  If so, close that book and write 500 words to follow on with your idea for Chapter Two.


Calamity's Corner July 2009

Writing Exercise: Need an unblocker for a poem or story?

Walk outside and in 200 words write a vivid description of the weather at this precise moment. This description creates a certain mood –happy, bright, sunny, up beat, downcast, gloomy, bleak, ill temper etc. Now write a 500 word scene (with or without dialogue) to fit this mood.


Calamity's Corner June 2009

Writing Exercise: Need an unblocker for a poem or story?

What is the worst thing that could happen to your favourite character, that hasn't already happened to him/her? i.e. one of your characters or one from a much loved book.  Free write about this– non-stop – for 10 minutes (or longer) –with your monitor screen turned off!

Calamity's Corner May 2009,
Writing Exercise: Need an unblocker for a poem or story?

How about this random sentence to stir the creative juices? Use part or all or discard the lot once you get going. Free write – non-stop – for 10 minutes.
Others mingle while lovers hide.


Calamity's Corner April 2009
WRITING EXERCISE: Need an unblocker for a poem or story?

How about this random sentence to stir the creative juices? Free write for 10 minutes –non-stop!         Use part or all, or discard the lot, once you get going.

In the shadows of confusion the faithful glow.
